Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 15, 25 May 2012

The 25th was our last full day in Ireland.  We went out with a bang.  Our plan was a simple trip around the Burran, an area of limestone escarpment with a lot to see in a small space.  Well, that pretty much describes all of Ireland.

Corkscrew Mountain.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day 12, 22 May 2012 - Part 2

Craggaunowen had taken up the morning, and time well spent it was.  Our next stop would be the town of Quin.

Quin Abbey

Day 12, 22 May 2012

Doolan pier – dolphin
New house

This was one of my favorite days of the whole trip.  This was another moving day.  We were driving up to Doolan for our final cottage.  We would be staying there for four nights, giving us a chance to settle in a little bit.  When we left this house, it would be to drive to the airport and fly home.

Picture from Shannon Heritage.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 14, 24 May 2012

We woke to a bright, nearly, cloudless day.  It was supposed to be hot and calm, the perfect day to head out to Inis Oirr and see something of the Arran Islands.   The boys and I had done the research when we were down at the beach so we knew what we needed to do.

It was a perfect day to be out and about.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 13, 23 May 2012

Our first day operating out of our new base.  We were, honestly, pretty worn out, so we decided to make an easy day of it, especially since we needed to buy some groceries.  We lollygagged around the house, had a leisurely breakfast and loaded up the doom wagon.

The cliffs of Moher.
Our big plan for the day was to go to the cliffs of Moher.  These are most famous for their roll in the Harry Potter movie when Potter and Dumbledore find Valdemorts thingamajiggy on a pinnacle of rock in a raging sea.  We were going to be visiting these from the land side, which is 600 to 1000 feet above the sea.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day 11, 21 May 2012

This was the day that Tracy and the boys finally hit the wall.  They all needed a day of nesting.  We had planned to do the ring of Kerry but decided on something a little lower key.

A nice model of the old town.  It is bigger, but still laid out the same way.
Nana and Granddad and I headed down to the town of Kenmare after a nice late start.  The drive down was scenic and easy.  Kenmare had been set up on an X plan, which made it easy to find stuff and get around but was a little bit odd.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Day 10, 20 May 2012

One of the more colorful streets in town.
Day ten was supposed to be a, relatively, short one.  We were going to go down to the Dingle peninsula, less famous than its southern neighbor, the ring of Kerry.  The drive down took about an hour and a half and was pretty curvy.  There were some queasy stomachs in the back seat when we got to Dingle town.  Tracy, we discovered later, was just coming down with a stomach bug that would affect her for several days.